The Power of Timing

Teresa Nanjala Lubano
3 min readSep 8, 2023


Success is all about timing. So, eyes on the prize folks.

“Peach Mums” Painting by author. (2023)

I strongly believe that timing plays a crucial role, especially in the context of starting a business.

I am going to tell a very short story.

In early 2022, I took a break from employment to fully dedicating myself to pursuing my educational goals.

I made this choice because, firstly, work-related stress was causing anxiety, and secondly, there was a clash in schedules between my job and my course.

However, resigning my job, proved to be one of the most challenging decisions I’ve ever made. It presented considerable challenges because my job had become a fundamental part of my identity. When I did decide to quit, even though it was necessary, I felt like I had lost a piece of myself. Now, as I reflect upon it, I believe it might have been one of the most rewarding decisions I could have made for myself. The primary reason being that it provided me with the space, time and opportunity to pursue what I deemed important at the time: enhancing my skill set and finding fulfillment in my endeavors.

Thanks to leaving my job, I wholeheartedly focused on my Master’s degree, and I’m proud to announce that I’ve completed it. I’m just eagerly awaiting my graduation, which is set for the 22nd of September 2023.

“Alstroemeria Eclectic Flourishing Flowers ” Textile Print by author. (2023)

As all these changes are happening, I was also considering my next career move (“Kids don’t eat degrees!”) and felt strongly about setting up my own design business. I hunkered down and started writing what I felt would be an agency that reflects my persona. Soon, the writings became content for the website development. Punde si punde, I was rounding up a team. And before I knew it, in a quick few months, I was able to set up Nanjala Design; an Afrikan brand agency with a sustainability mindset. The agency provides solutions to SMEs and companies to help them with brand building and create brand visibility.

Long and short, all the hard work and sacrifices had paid off. I even got the chance to brush up on my painting skills. The ‘break’ also allowed me to dip my hands into a niche craft, textile design.

So, why am I sharing this story? I’m recounting it because, back in 2022, resigning didn’t seem like the best decision. However, in hindsight, I realize prioritizing on doing my Masters was the right call because it was:

a) Time, for me to focus on putting in “the work” and preparing me for my next step in life

b) a recalibration — a reset — for me to pursue my own ambitions.

c) “It was just about time, Teresa”.

It was almost as if I was being nudged by fate to follow my own path, even though I was anxious about taking that significant leap. At the time, I didn’t have the foresight to see this clearly. I had even convinced myself that I’d return to employment after completing my Master’s degree. Interestingly, that plan didn’t materialize. Instead, I ended up establishing my own agency. This experience has reinforced my belief that when it comes to starting a business, “one’s timing” is everything.

This journey has taught me that for as long as you are focused, and keep your eyes on your goals, you can indeed achieve your dreams and aspirations, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.

Zig Zigler once said: “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation”.

I believe this to be true. My message here is to encourage you. Do you. Be bold. I want to urge anyone who has a strong desire to start something to go ahead and take that leap — do it scared, do it broke. Just do it. Because you never know where those ideas or that opportunity might lead to. It could be that at that very time it is YOUR moment. So embrace it.



Teresa Nanjala Lubano

Founder, Creative Director Nanjala Design & Shop Nanjala™ My interests lie at the intersection of design, nature, tech & sustainability.