Here is what people don’t tell you about turning 40
You feel cheated. Forty came too quick.
You don’t want to admit to yourself that you are a grown-ass woman/ man. You slightly take offense when someone on the street calls you ‘Mathee’ or ‘Buda’.
How did you get this old?
Well, congratulation! You have reached the fourth floor.
On this day, your mood is somber. No euphoria — unlike the past birthdays.
You become pensive. Reflecting on whether you have achieved your life’s aspirations, career goals, financial freedom, built solid relationships and whether you’ve made an impact in society — or not.
The so called ‘accomplishments’ feels like a fallacy. You don’t believe the compliments of your success from family and friends. Instead, you feels that there is more to be done (could also be imposter syndrome). You are not done yet. There is more to learn, to experience and become.
You develop some balls. Guts. You don’t give two hoots about sharing your feelings or opinions. You are more truthful to your feelings. More sincere when expressing your thoughts. It’s got to do with the fact that you realize you don’t need to impress anyone, and that people should take you for who you are.
You say ‘I love you’ more often.
You realize life is short. Very short. Lately, more people around you seem to die.
You often think about your parents and wonder how you can be more available to them.
You quit the pretense.
You miss your youthful self. The bounce, sadly ends — unless you force it.
Smiling takes an effort.
You have mastered the art of how-not-to-be-guilt-tripped to almost zero tolerance. Confidently saying yes, even if there is an element of risk. You gobble down that double Snicker bar meant for your kids in the parking lot. Boldly. Sneaky treat.
You notice you are aging. It bothers you.
You notice your eyesight is deteriorating. Fast.
Good health care becomes a priority. Doctors appointments are penciled in the calendar.
You pick a sport, begrudgingly.
You stop taking certain ‘unhealthy’ foods/beverages.
Tucking in the pot belly becomes a challenge. Even when taking photos, it’s a flop 😀 All hail the glorious midriff flab!
You think about the next half of your life with hope. And the past half with nostalgia.
You start actioning your plan (s).
You start experimenting with your sexuality. Even if it’s mentally.
Friends are few. Those who are true, fewer. These become your lifelong ones.
You buy that outrageously priced, scandalous dress, wear it and tell yourself you are wearing it for you. Regrets ‘ni wewe’.
You realize Snoop Dog was onto something when giving his ‘I Wanna Thank Me’ speech.
This is it.
You must enjoy it.